Poker Glasses – To Wear or Not To Wear?

man wearing poker glasses

You’ve seen poker glasses on TV and the casino is full of poker players wearing them. Like Marmite, you either love them or hate them. You’re either a wearer or despise those that do and roll your visible eyes when you see a young man opposite wearing them in a $30 local game.

Famous Users of Poker Glasses

The most famous pair has to be the lizard shades worn by 2004 WSOP main event champion Greg Raymer. How much did they help him win the $5 million first prize 16 years ago? Who knows, but he did win and laughing all the way to the bank. 

Advantage of Concealing Your Eyes

The professionals are always paying attention, reading your betting patterns, body language and even your eyes. Wearing poker glasses certainly protects you from reading your eyes and makes you feel more secure. Knowing your opponent can’t look into your eyes and pick up anything is a great feeling and allows you to play your A game.

There are lots of famous poker players who wear/wore poker glasses. The list below are just a few players that spring to mind.

  • Phil Laak
  • Phil Hellmuth
  • Stu Ungar
  • Chris Moneymaker
  • Mike Matusow
  • Marcel Luske

There are potential disadvantages to wearing poker glasses too.

Misreading Your Holecards

Wearing glasses can lead you to misreading your hand. Is there anything worse? Getting to the river thinking your value betting and you turn over K4 instead of AK? Embarrassment aside, losing the pot would be infuriating and needless.

Reflections Revealing Holecards

You never know what your glasses reflect. I have sat at tables before and felt obligated to tell my opponents that their poker glasses are revealing their cards. To not tell would be unethical and cheating but there are many players out there who would not say and use the advantage.

My Thoughts

Poker glasses are not going anywhere despite players like Daniel Negreanu shunning them. I am not a wearer myself but appreciate they are a popular poker accessory. If it helps you play better and you feel comfortable wearing them then you should embrace them. There are some awesome sites where you can buy poker glasses at reasonable prices if you look around. See some examples below from Amazon.

See Latest Amazon Price

See Latest Amazon Price

This page was written in 2020 and has been updated.

Narciso Baldo is the Director and Head Coach of Texas Hold'em Questions. He has been playing poker for over 16 years. After spending many years as a professional, he now runs UK poker training site Texas Hold'em Questions. Narciso regularly writes poker articles sharing tips, strategy, news and experience with gambling enthusiasts. Narciso also writes for reputable gambling portal Casino City Times, (bio here). Contact: