Running Bad in Poker – How to Handle it

Running Bad in Poker

Running Bad in Poker

Play enough and you will experience it. A bad run happens to us all, particularly online. It’s probability maths 101.  If you haven’t experienced running bad in poker, you’ve not played enough or you’re very lucky.  Running bad can come in different ways, you might be getting it in on the flop with a set and lose to 2 outs or you might be getting pocket kings and facing pocket aces too much.  Rather than just say “that’s poker”, this article will attempt to offer some solutions and advice on how to handle running bad in poker.

Review Results

One way to deal with running bad in poker is review your results over the last 3 – 6 months. If you’ve been doing well and continued to play consistently, take comfort that you are doing the right thing. Sometimes you can doubt your game and what you’re doing when you are on a bad run. I find it reassuring to know that I am a winning player and reviewing your results is testament to this. Remember, winning poker is about the long run. You’re not defined by the bad run you’re on so keep calm and carry on.

Take a Small Break

I’d like to emphasize “small” break. Don’t go away for weeks or months because you’re losing. If you’ve been playing well and its bad luck, then it’s good to take a break for a few days. If you feel the need to gamble still, try roulette or blackjack for some fun. Look around and find the best casino online in USA and have a flutter. Don’t gamble too much though! Come back fresh and ready to play poker. Obviously if you’re tilt prone and running bad was affecting your game, feel free to take a longer break and keep your mind off poker playing for a little while.

Tighten Up

This is a contentious one but I think it has some merit still. If you’re game has evolved to a very fancy and bluffy style, it might be worth reverting back to a more solid approach. This will serve to reduce the variance element; ensure you are getting your money in better and have less of an impact on your bankroll. Don’t go too tight though as nit poker is losing poker. If your game has largely stayed the same as when you were winning, it would be foolish to radically change a winning approach.

Beginner Texas Hold’em Question

Why am I running bad in poker?

Poker has an element of luck you can’t escape. You signed up to it the day you chose to play poker. One can’t complain too much when you win a tournament then go on a bad run after. You might be on a bad run because you’re playing bad too. Anytime you think you’re running bad, punch in the stats of a hand into a poker hand calculator and see how far ahead you actually were.  

Image Source: Freepik

Narciso Baldo is the Director and Head Coach of Texas Hold'em Questions. He has been playing poker for over 16 years. After spending many years as a professional, he now runs UK poker training site Texas Hold'em Questions. Narciso regularly writes poker articles sharing tips, strategy, news and experience with gambling enthusiasts. Narciso also writes for reputable gambling portal Casino City Times, (bio here). Contact: