2021 Grand Poker Series Predictions

2021 grand poker series

One of the biggest events in poker is coming up: the Golden Nugget Grand Poker Series 2021. The storied event will be held as usual in Las Vegas’ Golden Nugget casino, one of the most iconic casinos in the city. There, poker’s best will compete for a nice jackpot. Read on to learn how it will work, what exactly will be played, and what we think will happen.

When The Golden Nugget Grand Poker Series Happens

After 13 years, the Grand Poker Series is making a change by happening in the fall of 2021. Like many things, this change comes from the limitations of recent lockdowns and concerns about gathering in large groups. As more places start to open up, however, Golden Nugget seems ready to host the big tournament again. 2021’s Golden Nugget Grand Poker Series will take place from Sept. 28-Oct. 18, spreading 50 games over almost a month of play.

The major event is happening on Thursday, Oct. 7 through Sunday, Oct. 10. That’s the $600 buy-in no limit hold’em championship series, which comes with a $500,000 guaranteed prize. However, as more betting happens, the total pot could easily approach and even exceed #1 million. The last event in 2019 saw over 1,300 entrants combine for a total prize pool of $677,508. Michael Policastro took the win with a final payout of $90,630.

The Types of Games Played at Golden Nugget Grand Poker Series

Players in the championship event will start with 25,000 in tournament chips. The series will utilize the big blind ante format and happen over three starting flights. The event is unlimited re-entry and players may play multiple flights. If a player can make it through more than one starting flight, they take their largest stack forward to day two,while smaller stacks get removed from play in exchange for a minimum amount of cash.

One can buy into the games for a variety of amounts, with some as low as $100 and the big finale coming in at a $600 buy-in. Poker formats that can be played range from a mixed triple draw lowball event, various pot-limit Omaha and Omaha eight-or-better events, a triple stud event, an eight-game mix event, a H.O.R.S.E. event and a tag-team no-limit hold’em event. Seniors can even get in on the action with their own special events that have a $50,000 guaranteed prize pool.

Our Predictions

The first one is that the turnout will be HUGE. People are ready to get back to live games, and so Vegas will be welcoming a lot of players for the 2021 events. Vegas in general is sure to be packed as many want to go on vacations and see spectacles. That said, a year of life online won’t be totally wasted. In fact, those who have been keeping up with their game using online poker will have an advantage over those who took time off. 2021 will be a banner year for online casinos as poker players show the benefits of being able to play whenever, wherever.

This year’s event will also see more women playing than ever before. Like many competitive fields, poker is seeing a rise in women being more comfortable expressing their love of the game. And the community is becoming better at welcoming this emerging group of players. Social media surveys show that more women are planning on playing in poker series this year.

As for winners, the year away from live events will probably help the big names maintain their dominance. Newcomers won’t be stealing the spotlight as they haven’t gotten used to reading their opponents on the big stage yet. So much time with masks has also changed the game. So we’ll probably see veterans take home the big prizes as the Grand Poker Series adjusts to all the changes.

Narciso Baldo is the Director and Head Coach of Texas Hold'em Questions. He has been playing poker for over 16 years. After spending many years as a professional, he now runs UK poker training site Texas Hold'em Questions. Narciso regularly writes poker articles sharing tips, strategy, news and experience with gambling enthusiasts. Narciso also writes for reputable gambling portal Casino City Times, (bio here). Contact: info@texasholdemquestions.com